In the UK a lot of Emergency Communications/RAYNET activity has traditionally taken place in the VHF and UHF Bands. However, experience has shown that HF radio has a role to play in circumstances where usage of VHF/UHF would not be feasible or our expertise in that area was requested.
A fresh look at HF is intended to enhance our Emergency Communications abilities; don’t think that there is any intention to replace existing VHF/UHF working – on the contrary – it is to complement it or ‘add an extra weapon to our armoury’, if you like.
In the meantime, HF has not stood still (particularly on the commercial side – we have still to catch up!). New modes, smaller (even hand-portable) equipment and continuing licence changes have greatly raised the profile of HF communications, making it much more adaptable for field and mobile work. So why shouldn’t we take advantage of this ?
The RAYNET HF Team exists to develop our capabilities in HF working, to do this we need to share information and get people involved with the wide range of opportunities which HF working could bring to RAYNET operations. The selections under the menu items at the top of this page will take you to various pages which we hope will achieve our aims.
If you are interested in any aspect of the RAYNET HF Team, require more information, or have any constructive comments, please contact the Webmaster. Alternatively why not listen for one of our nets and call in !